Well, this is interesting.

Back in the 1970s, a Peruvian group claimed that they had established contact with extraterrestrials. Led by a man named Sixto Paz Wells, the RAMA (or Rahma, depending on when you asked) Group claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrials through meditation.

Not only that, but the group would frequently invite journalists to their meetings by telling them they were going to see an alien craft — and then, unbelievably, the journalist would see one. Hell, Wells would occasionally just point and say, “There’s going to be a UFO right there” — then, one would appear.

What do you think? Did this group have special powers, or is this just a really well-coordinated hoax?

A group in Peru was contacting ufos and filming them in the 1970s (Watch the ufo video at 1min).
byu/ParticleBEAM000 inInterdimensionalNHI